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Intuit: QuickBooks Developer Platform

Fintech, Small Business, Public Relations

The Problem

QuickBooks launched its developer platform in 2009 to limited fanfare. Since launching, the program has changed, however the company has refocused its efforts to becoming the ultimate platform for developers looking to reach small businesses. Throughout the platform’s evolution, the Access team has partners with QuickBooks to elevate the story around the “appification” for small businesses, while positioning the platform’s open APIs and advanced datasets as benefits for the dev community.

The Solution – How we Uncomplicated the Complicated

The effort focused on elevating conversation around the QuickBooks “ecosystem”, shining a light on the opportunity in small business for developers and spotlighting case studies to tell the story. We hosted hackathons, involved developer story in largest effort in Intuit’s history – QuickBooks Connect.

  • Developed multi-year plan to spotlight applications, integrate developers into the QuickBooks platform narrative and reach developers where they are (targeted tech storytelling in earned media, third-party and owned events.)
  • Created a multi-year research project that reinforced the opportunities that developers have in creating apps for small businesses using QuickBooks APIs.
  • Developed a comprehensive technology story to position QuickBooks as flexible and advanced for developer audiences; focused on the datasets that the platform holds.

Results & Impact

More than 300 print and online articles, 8,600 blog posts and 6,100 Tweets appeared.

Coverage highlights include: Intuit Developer News, Programmable Web, ReadWrite, TechCrunch, Tech Republic and SD Times.